Father wants to create fond memories for his kids

Gilbert looks out at the water

Gilbert Velasco was born in Mexico, but he moved here before his first birthday.

“I just want to make sure my wife and three kids have what they need. Sometimes I wonder if I’m doing what I need to be doing with them. I didn’t have a father figure, so I wonder if I’m on the right path. I took some parenting classes on my own, just to see where I was on that scale.

“Looking at pictures from my past, I never saw myself happy around my parents. I don’t really have any moments of us kids — there were nine of us — doing activities together. I just remember going to school and coming home.

“I don’t blame my mother because she was on her own, working hard to raise all of us. But I want to make sure whenever my kids grow up and look back, they can say, ‘I remember this day’ or ‘I remember that day.’ I want to make sure I do things right on my time around with my kids.”

— Gilbert Velasco


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