An angel of a dog comes to his rescue in dream

Carmen Lopez with his dog at the park

Carmen Lopez with his 4-year-old companion, Capitán

“There is an interesting story about this dog. I had never had this experience in my life, but one time the other me came out of me. Let’s call him my spirit, my soul. It went out and made a trip.

“In one of these dreams I found an old Labrador, same kind as him. After I found him on my trip, I didn’t know how to come back to my body. What I did was touch the ground, and in your trips if you touch the ground you cannot go back up into your body. I wondered how I was going to do it?

“I started to run and tried to go up, but I couldn’t do it. Then he appeared by my side and said, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll take you,’ and he took me back to my body.

“It was amazing. Sometimes I think he is an angel. I understand if you don’t believe it. At first I wasn’t sure if I was going crazy, but I’ve had other dreams like this.”

— Carmen Lopez


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