Son’s use of drugs leads to problems at home

Chuck Dixon portrait photo

Debbie Travis’ son, Chuck Dixon

“He loved old people and kids. He especially liked to help older people. The first day we moved in (to our house), he walked across the street to ask a 90-something-year-old man if he could mow his yard for him. He did favors for everybody. He would just help out when anybody needed something. He was a great kid.

“He got into drugs when he was about 14, and that was pot. From there, through the years, it sort of escalated.

“He would get help. He’d be fine for a year or two, and then he would get back into it.

“On and off, he lived with us. Eventually it got so bad that we told him he had to leave. Actually, we made him leave several times. Finally, I just had to cut off all contact: phone calls, texting, everything.”

— Debbie Travis


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