‘I think God took him out … so he wouldn’t be lost’

Photo book for Chuck Dixon

Debbie Travis’ son, Chuck Dixon, died in 2013 during an attempted robbery.

“When you get into heavy drugs like that, people are not going to give you money to go buy more drugs. So he would steal. That’s how he died. He and a friend broke into somebody’s house because they knew the woman was in a nursing home at the time. But the lady’s grandson lay in wait with a shotgun because somebody had broken into the place before. That’s how it happened.

“The guy said that he told them to put up their hands and they didn’t. That’s the one thing we didn’t believe because everybody who knew Chuck knew he was chicken about things like that and he not only would have put up his hands, but he would have been backing out the door to leave. Now, I personally don’t blame anybody because my son should not have been there. He should not have broken into that house. That was how he was feeding his kids. He was breaking into houses because he was a drug addict.

“He had gotten saved. Even when he was doing drugs, he would read the Bible. Somewhere in there, it says something about sinning to death … I’ll take you out before I lose you, kind of, but in biblical terms. That’s what I feel happened to Chuck. I think God took him out so he could keep him, so he wouldn’t be lost.”

— Debbie Travis


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