Army Reserve experience not what he anticipated
“I dropped out of high school at the beginning of my junior year. It’s a long story. Eventually, I got my GED and joined the Army. I wanted to do something positive with my life.
“I was working long hours and making money, but it was so boring. I hated my life. So I decided to make a change. I decided to join the Army. They talked me into joining the Army Reserve, which still blows my mind because I joined to go and be gone. I ended up being gone for only six or seven months. Then I did active reserve on base for the next few years.
“People tell me, ‘You were still in the military. You did more than most people have done.’ But that’s a lot of BS. I just wasted a bunch of tax dollars. That’s why I got out. I never did anything. Every time we were supposed to deploy, it got canceled. What was the point?
“Where I was stationed, we worked on helicopters. But it was the Reserve. It was a joke. It was just a bunch of kids coming in who didn’t care about being there at all. They were there only because they could go to college and get it paid for. I wanted more than that. I wanted to deploy. I feel like I never really got a chance to do my part.”
— Patrick Burgess