Her big brother remains a lifelong protector

Chloe Anderson sits at a bench on the Lee College campus

Since they were kids, Chloe Anderson has always been able to count on her brother.

“I’ve always kind of followed in my older brother’s footsteps. He’s married and in the Army now, stationed at Fort Sill. He’s my biggest hero.

“He’s always been there for me. Even as kids when we were being mischievous and stuff, he always had my back. He’s always watched out for me. He’s always made sure no harm has ever come my way.

“When he’s serving the country, he may not be out in combat, but his job still plays the same important role. I see him as not only protecting me, but also protecting everyone else in the country.

“I’ve always looked up to my brother. By far, he’s been the biggest influence in my life.”

— Chloe Anderson


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