Despite financial challenges, things always work out

Linda And George Siple at park

Linda and George Siple met in high school in Dayton, Kentucky, and have been married 57 years.

“Our biggest challenge is financial, definitely. We don’t owe a lot of money. But we’re just living off Social Security, which is hard. We don’t have food stamps, disability or anything like that. So we’re just barely making it, but we’re used to it. And I guess it will never change. We’re both 77. We’ve been dealing with it since retirement at 62.”

“Well, I’ve had part-time jobs, which helped. We live in an apartment. I work around there, and we get a little off our rent. So it’s working out. It’s just really close. I mean, it’s kind of been that way all my life. I never really had a high-paying job. I was in construction and I had five kids, so you can’t save a lot of money. But that’s just life. Life doesn’t guarantee you anything.”

“Sometimes at the end of the month, we don’t have a dime. But that’s the way it goes. That’s the deal the good lord gave us. And he takes care of us. We’re so dumb, he just says, ‘I have to take care of you because you don’t know any better.’ And we say, ‘Thank you.’”

“It always works itself out.”

“Yes, it does.”

— Linda and George Siple


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