Project supports families of fallen police officers

Labrador retriever with young girl

Preston feels right at home with his new family in Michigan.

After rescuing, training and donating a Labrador retriever to the family of a fallen police officer in Michigan in December, Danny McWilliams is ready to take the next step with his organization, The Thin Blue Line Dog Project.

“The 501(c)3 paperwork has begun. Board members have been selected to assist with the project so that it’s not a one-man show. The goal is to help fallen officers’ families by placing a trained companion dog with them. These dogs will go through extensive training at EasTex K9 or a board-selected trainer. I also have been in contact with a psychologist who is willing to work with the program. This will allow us to better understand the needs of the families we want to help.”

And the project’s first success story keeps getting better. “Preston has been adjusting to his new home. I was told he has made a significant difference in the life of his new family.”

“I’ve been asked several times if I miss Preston. It was an honor to work with him, but the mission from the beginning was clear. I knew his purpose and kept that in my mind. Yes, I miss Preston. He’s an awesome pup with a huge heart. When I get pictures like this, I immediately realize that mission. He was trained to help the family of a fallen officer. It’s pretty clear to me, based on the smile on her face, that the mission was accomplished.”

When Danny isn’t serving local citizens as an officer with Baytown Police Department, he runs EasTex K9.

This is a great local project that deserves some love. You can help spread the word by sharing this story.



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