Still feeling pain from ‘one-two-three punch’

Man stands on bridge

After his wife died, he later remarried. They’ve been together since 2010.

“I lost my mother and my father to cancer. Both of them passed away at 70 years old, my mother from cervical cancer in ’06 and my father from prostate cancer in ’09.

“Then, just a few months after my father died, I lost my wife. She got a staph infection, but nobody could figure out what it was at first. By the time they finally did and started trying to treat it, it had spread all the way through her body and they couldn’t do anything with it. We had been married 20 years.

“That was a real one-two-three punch. I tried to keep busy doing things so I wouldn’t think about it all. It was tough, but I just had to suck up the pain and face it.

“The pain is still there, but it’s a little more bearable. God won’t put any more on you than you can bear.”

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