She wants to help people realize their dreams

Jennifer Hinkle in her front yard

Jennifer Hinkle used to be a drug and alcohol rehabilitation counselor at Adult and Teen Challenge of Texas.

“My personal, spiritual belief is that what God created so many of us to do, we’re not doing it. And until we do it, truthfully, I think we’re just miserable.

“There are so many people who have a dream to achieve something but don’t think they can get there. I want to help change that. I’m calling my project Create a Dream. I’m in the beginning stages right now.

“I think I’m meant to do this. I can honestly tell you it just keeps coming up. I’ve prayed with my husband about it: ‘Lord, if this is not something from you, then please just take it away.’ Well, it doesn’t go away.”

— Jennifer Hinkle

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