Their retirement is filled with motorcycle riding

Jeanie and Richard DuPont at the dog park

Jeanie and Richard DuPont have been married 40 years, and they have three children and six grandchildren.

“When we retired, we said we were going to travel once a month. A couple of years down the road, we hadn’t done anything.”

“Then she came in one morning and said, ‘I’m buying a Harley and I’m going to ride. You can either ride with me or stay home.’”

“I had never ridden one by myself. I’m on my fourth Harley now. We each have our own, and we’ve taken some interesting trips.”

What do you like most about riding motorcycles?
“You just come alive. It’s not like being in a car where you feel like you’re in a cage.”

“It’s the freedom. You’ve got 360 degrees of visibility and you can smell the flowers when they’re blooming. There’s nothing quite like it.”

— Jeanie and Richard DuPont

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