With tech tools in hand, he loves working from home

Ezequiel Buenas at the dog park

Ezequiel Buenas is an analyst for a human resources department.

“The company I work for is very flexible. When it’s needed, it’s really accommodating to be able to work from home. Plus nowadays, I can pretty much do everything I need using my phone and laptop. As long as I have those essentials, I can do my job.”

Do you think people today rely too much on those devices?
“I know that when my phone battery runs out I’m thinking, OK, how do I get around, what am I going to do now? I cannot communicate because I hardly ever memorize anybody’s phone number. Since I don’t have phone access I go to the next best thing, my laptop, which is my lifesaver. Not that we don’t know any better, but I guess you could say we do take those devices for granted. They’re pretty much a part of everything we do.”

— Ezequiel Buenas

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