High school sweethearts decide to make it official

Cynthia and Israel Razo in their yard

Cynthia and Israel Razo enjoy spending time outdoors with their three children.

“I guess we were what you would call high school sweethearts. She was a year ahead of me, but we wanted to graduate together.

“Back then, with a zero period, I would come in an hour early every day. I would go to summer school. I did everything possible to get all my credits, which I did, and ended up going to high school only three years.

“The same year we graduated, we decided to get married. I would always be rushing home to get cleaned up and go pick her up. It seemed like us getting to see each other was more work than it needed to be. So we decided that if we were going to spend all this time together, let’s just make it official and get married.

“This November is going to be 16 years together. It’s all been good.”

— Israel Razo

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