‘We’re determined to get our children back’

Katrina and Bobby at garage sale

Katrina and Bobby take the bus twice a week to donate plasma for money.

“We’ve been together for 10 years and get along really well. Ever since we met, it’s like a connection that you can’t break. And that’s important because, trust me, we’ve struggled. We’re struggling right now.

“He got laid off from his construction job and his vehicle got repoed. Then he got two other job possibilities, but the vehicle was taken the day before those came along. It’s hard for either of us to work without reliable transportation. Now we’re having to sell stuff to help pay off bills so we don’t lose the house. It seems like we’re constantly trying to catch up.”

What’s been the hardest part?
“We have two kids, a 7-year-old and a 4-year-old, who are having to live with our families. We’re not financially stable enough to have them stay with us. You can’t believe how difficult that is. But we’re determined to have a home and get our children back. That’s the number one thing, absolutely. We just really could use a break right now.”

— Katrina

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