Good Felines focuses on helping community cats

Magan Gonzales started Good Felines, which is now part of the non-profit organization, A Life to Live.
“It started when I trapped a feral mama cat and she had four kittens. My husband and I worked together to socialize them, and then we wanted to find them homes.”
How do you socialize a kitten like that?
“What I do is forced love. I take him out in a little kitty burrito. I cover him up with a towel, and the only thing sticking out is his head. I just hold him and pet him, and he really hates it for a long time. Eventually, he understands that I’m not going to hurt him. Then I let him eat out of my lap, with just his head sticking out. It takes a lot of time, but it’s really rewarding to have him finally love you and trust you.
“Our main focus is spaying and neutering outside cats, which I think does a great service for the community. That way, maybe people won’t hate those cats so much if they’re not breeding and fighting all the time.”
— Magan Gonzales