Their new church will be ‘a place of hope’

Henisha and Clayton Stovall at the park

Henisha and Clayton Stovall recently opened Inspired Church.

“We’re starting a new church, and I’m the pastor’s wife.

“With everything going on in the world right now, I think a lot of people are starting to lose faith. There’s a lot of hatred surrounding us with the terrorist acts, the shootings, the killings and everything. So we want to try to make our church a place of hope, provide some type of solace in the face of what’s happening.”

How are world problems affecting you personally?
“With the chaos going on around me, and me having to be extra careful and watchful over my son and even over myself, I find myself needing someone to depend on. And that’s a higher power than me.

“I try to find moments throughout the day to just close my ears, close my eyes and try to connect with that. It’s helping me see my purpose, who I’m supposed to be and what I’m supposed to do.

“No need for us to go hide in a cave somewhere. That’s not going to help anything. But I find myself depending more on my faith, leaning on it for strength so that I can find a way to even enjoy life in the midst of all the craziness and the noise that surrounds us.”

— Henisha Stovall

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