She likes military’s structure, guidance

Teddy Yebra sits on picnic table

Teddy Yebra, 17, is considering a 20-year military career.

“I’m in ROTC in high school and I plan to join the military right after I graduate. I’ve already started talking with the recruiter and everything. I just have to wait until I’m 18 to sign the papers. I’m going into the Marines.”

Why did you choose this path?
“I like the structure and guidance that it gives you. There’s always someone telling you what to do, so you never have to just stand there and try to figure it out on your own. Right now, I guess I’m better at being told what to do rather than thinking on the spot of what I’m supposed to do.”

Do you feel prepared for military life?
“It doesn’t intimidate me. First of all, females can’t go to war, not just yet. They’re trying it and seeing how it works out, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. War is pretty intimidating, but the whole concept of war doesn’t scare me unless they’re telling me I’m going out there. Then I’d probably be scared. I don’t have a deep desire to go and kill people.”

— Teddy Yebra

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