Helping grandpa with dementia is challenging

Dale Walton at the park

Dale Walton, 25, attended Lee and Sterling high schools for two years each.

“Yeah, it’s been kind of tough at times. My wife and I have been through a lot. Obviously, having a kid in high school was pretty challenging. Later, while I was in the Marine Corps and stationed at Camp Pendleton in California, our house burned down.

“After I got out in 2013 we were both unemployed, and it was kind of rough for us trying to find jobs. So she said, you know what, I’ll just join the Army. It was for financial reasons, and then she realized that she loves her job. She’s a behavioral health specialist, working in mental health. She’s based out of Virginia and has our two kids while I’m here.

“Actually, I’m looking for work because I’m staying here for a while helping my grandpa. He has dementia, and besides me there’s really no family to help him. My father doesn’t want to help and my mom’s in jail.

“Anybody who has a family member with dementia knows how rough it can be. At times, I swear, it’s worse than dealing with a 2-year-old kid. But it’s something I really need to do.”

What keeps you going through all of this?
“My wife and kids. I’m thinking about them a lot.”

— Dale Walton

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