Older couple makes sure community cats are fed

Feral cats living at a park

“When they’re all here, there are about eight or nine that we feed twice a day. Somebody’s got to do it, and we enjoy it. We have animals, and we wouldn’t want ours to go hungry.”

When did you start doing this?
“We bring our dogs out here to walk, so we’ve probably been feeding them for two or three years now. We’re just animal lovers. We have cats and dogs. We’ve adopted most of the dogs from here. Some of the cats came from here, too. Kittens, I can’t resist them.”

How many do you have?
“Well, now, I’d rather not say. A lot. We adopted another dog we found out here in October. And we have a few cats in the house, but I’m not going to say how many. They’re all well fed and taken care of.

“Our vet will take them sometimes if we can get them and they’re adoptable. We got one somebody dropped off here, a really pretty calico. She was real sweet, so our vet took her. They adopted her out, and I said we’d pay to have her fixed. But the people never brought her back to have it done.”

— An older couple, who preferred not to be identified

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