Wife washes work clothes, dies from asbestosis

Kenneth Wayne Fulton wearing baseball cap

Kenneth Wayne Fulton left Baytown when he was 25, but recently returned.

“I was married for 27 years. She died two months ago from asbestosis. She got it from me and her other husband when we were working at this plant in Longview, Texas. She was washing our clothes when we brought them home. In 2005, she found out she had COPD, and then they found out she had asbestosis. It goes in like a big fish hook and it can’t come out. It scars your lungs.

“We hadn’t been together since 2005. I’ve always been married to her, but I haven’t lived with her since then.”

How did you learn she had died?
“I was thinking about her, so I called where she worked and asked for her or her old man. They said, ‘Well, you can talk to Jerry in about two hours, but Ruth Ann passed away a couple of weeks ago.’ I was shocked. I also was pissed that nobody called to let me know.”

— Kenneth Wayne Fulton


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