12-step program ‘coolest thing I’ve ever done’

Robert Orr looks out at the water

Robert Orr believes that everyone can benefit from a 12-step program.

“I started going to NA and AA about 13 years ago, trying to get clean and sober. About five years ago, I finally did get sobered up.

“I took the 12 steps. Did the whole process. That was very cool. I think everybody ought to do a 12-step program just to clear out all the toxic crap that makes us feel like we’re not such great people. It was a process, man. It doesn’t happen over night. But it’s the coolest thing I’ve ever done.

“Through it all, I’ve always had compassion for people. If I see somebody who needs help, I’m going to do my best to help him. I’m just trying to do the next right thing. Help the next guy out.”

— Robert Orr


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