His heart is in helping others through police work

Norman Anderson with his police horse

Norman Anderson is an original member of Baytown Police Department’s Mounted Patrol.

“I’ve had my badge in Baytown for almost 26 years, but I left for five years to work as an operator at Bayer. One day at the plant, there was a sight glass blowout. Sight glass allows you to see the material going through the pipe. We were clearing the line, which had hot water and steam in it. Luckily, we had flushed the chemical already. But while we were waiting for everything else to clear, it blew up in my face. I got burned over 40 percent. I spent 18 days in the hospital burn unit.

“During that time, I gave a lot thought to what I was doing. I realized I was only in the plant for the money. It wasn’t something that I really liked anymore. I had worked in the schools for a few years as a resource officer, and I enjoyed that more than anything I’d ever done. So I came back to the police department, and within a year and a half a position came open at the new Goose Creek Memorial.

“I was there until the school district started its own police department a few years ago. I loved working the schools. I worked a basketball game the other night, and it made me realize how much I miss being in there with the kids.

“I’m back on the street full time now, but I do the mounted patrol whenever I get a chance.”

— Norman Anderson


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