He’s making the best of a challenging situation

Larry Lawrence walks the streets

Larry Lawrence is involved with the Coat of Many Colors Ministries in Baytown.

“I never imagined I’d be in this kind of situation. I thought I’d work long enough to finally retire from my job as a janitor, but then they did away with it. So, here I am.

“I’m usually out here collecting cans five to six hours almost every day. A lot of people know me and will save cans for me. I’m definitely getting my exercise. I’ve lost nearly 40 pounds walking and my blood pressure is back to where it should be.

“I enjoy the walking, being out here and meeting people. I’ve made a lot of friends. There are a lot of people out here who just need someone to talk to.

“One lady stopped by and gave me a bag of groceries the other day. She said, ‘I see you out here all the time, so I thought I’d give you something.’ One time I found a bag of clothes that had shirts in it, so I gave them to my church.

“I enjoy this. I praise God as I walk. If it wasn’t for him, I couldn’t be doing this, no way. He sends me down roads I haven’t been down.”

— Larry Lawrence


(Note: Larry Lawrence passed away on Jan. 24, 2021.)

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