Writers find a way back into each other’s lives

Kittykat and the Mysterious Knight standing at the park

They asked to be referred to as Kittykat and the Mysterious Knight.

“We used to go to school together, but we just met up again recently after several years. It really was a surprise. He kind of just popped up out of nowhere.”

“Rekindling the flame, I guess. We have some things in common. We like to write and I really like to read.”

“I’ve written this book. It’s this kidnapping love story that I’ve been working on for three years. This young girl, she has a rough life, you know? Her dad beats her, her mom’s never there, and she just wants someone to give her love and affection in a nice, genuine way. Then this guy she actually liked before, he comes back into her life and kidnaps her and takes her to Alaska. They end up finding love during a difficult time.”

What does the storyline mean to you?
“Well, I know that some people had bad childhoods and are going through a lot in their lives, and they would like to be somewhere else. It’s a way to get out of the world that you’re in, the life that you’re in at that moment, and go to a new place. It’s a chance to feel like a new person and to start all over.”

“When she told me about the story, I said it was kind of ironic how the two of us met up again. I don’t know. I guess it was destiny.”

— Kittykatt and the Mysterious Knight

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