He’s facing life’s challenges, one at a time

Gabriel Garza at the park

Gabriel Garza, 21, is studying business administration at Lee College.

Sometimes, life can seem pretty darn difficult.

What’s one of the saddest moments in your life?
“Losing my tía, my aunt. She was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2012. She fought it and beat it. It was a good six months where she was in the clear, and then it came back to her lungs and later it moved to her brain. She went pretty far with the clinical trial before we lost her. When she was coming down to Houston for treatment I really got to know her. Losing her was really hard.”

What’s your biggest challenge right now?
“Paying for school. It’s not the community college part that I’m in right now. It’s more looking toward transferring. I’ve applied for five scholarships so far, so I’m hoping I’ll get something. I might have to get a loan, but I don’t want to get too deep into debt.”

Despite life’s complications, he has an easy smile, optimistic outlook and simple dream. “I would like to get a nice car, settle down, have a nice house and spend time with my family.”

— Gabriel Garza

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