Future pharmacist credits taking a chance

Cheyenne Garza holds her dog

Cheyenne Garza, 20, is taking pre-pharmacy classes at Lee College before applying to pharmacy school.

“When I started working at a grocery story about a month after I turned 16, they had me working every weekend. I hated it. So I started venturing out, looking for a new job.

“I texted my mom and I was like, ‘There’s this pharmacy here and they are closed on Sundays. Do you think that I should go in?’ She said, ‘No, don’t go in. They’ll never hire you. You’re not 18 yet.’

“Since she told me not to go in, I went in anyway. That was my motive, because she told me no. And he hired me on the spot as a cashier.

“Once I started working there, I really liked the environment and decided to earn my pharmacy technician license and get certified through the State of Texas. Then I realized this is what I want to do. I want to become a pharmacist.

“So I literally only went in because they were off on Sundays, but then I fell into my dream job. That sort of thing doesn’t happen very often. I got lucky.”

— Cheyenne Garza

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