He lost his way until a pastor intervened

Bohonerges Rodriguez holds bible outside of library

Bohonerges Rodriguez is a native of Honduras.

“I was living in a home in Louisiana with my wife and two kids. The Army came through our neighborhood and told us we had to pack our things and get out. We had to leave real quick because of Hurricane Katrina. We went to Mississippi and stayed at a church for about two weeks, and from there we moved to Texas.

“We were married for 16 years. But then I started drinking and smoking again and … I don’t know. I just lost my way.

“The first year after the divorce was very hard. I didn’t think I would make it, but a pastor at a small church in Pasadena helped me. His name was Jose. He prayed for me. He fed me. He counseled me. He was there for me when I was really low.

“Now I’m feeling a lot better about my life. I want to work as a barber and I want to finish bible school so I can give sermons. I want to be able to help other people, like that pastor helped me.”

— Bohonerges Rodriguez

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