He’s driven by passion to work with children

Tim Wells at the park

Tim Wells is a Mississippi native who gave up law school plans to become associate children’s minister at Second Baptist Baytown.

“I worked at CentriKid Camp for grades 3 through 6 for three summers, and I fell in love with it. I was a Bible study leader and then the camp pastor.

“I’m just driven by my passion to work with children and to really invest in the next generation, kind of like how people have invested in me. You see everything that’s going on around us these days. It’s a crazy world. So I want to make sure I have a positive impact on the next generation if I can.

“I don’t want them growing up thinking that certain things are OK when they’re really not. I don’t want them thinking it’s OK to treat people a certain way because they differ in their opinions or they differ in their religious beliefs.

“I guess I just kind of sensed the lord calling me into children’s ministry.”

— Tim Wells

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