House flipper enjoys seeing the transformation

Jean Hawthorne at library

Jean Hawthorne’s toughest assignment was laying about 1,300 square feet of tile. “I did it all at one time. That was a bit too much.”

“We typically buy a home that needs work, live in it for a while and then flip it. We remodel it and then move on to the next one. We’ve done it about eight times now.

“We’ve been in our current house longer than we’ve ever lived in one place. It’s been eight years because we’ve been looking after my father-in-law, who passed away in December. Before that we averaged one house every year and a half. My husband is very thrifty, so he hates to spend a whole lot of money on a house.

“I’m used to doing all that kind of work. I’ve laid tile and wood floors. I’ve textured walls and painted. So I’m a little bored right now because I don’t have anything to do. We both have the itch again. I’m getting to the age where I can’t be doing all that work, but I told him I think I’ve got one more in me.”

What’s the best part?
“I do before and after pictures. I like seeing the transformation. I took this and turned it into this. It’s a lot of fun, and it’s something we enjoy doing together.”

— Jean Hawthorne

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