Parents find they can always use more wisdom

Donna and George Beaube at garage sale

George Beaube recently retired from ExxonMobil and his wife, Donna, is nearing retirement as a nurse at St. Joseph Medical Center in Houston.

When it comes to being parents …

“I told George, I think the big question in our life is knowing how much. How much, how little, when to help or when to pull back. When I was younger, I figured that when I got to this age, I’d have all the answers. The wisdom would just be there. Don But no matter how old they get, they’re always your children. Then when they have children, that circle of responsibility grows.”

What has been your approach?
“We have two sons, a daughter and four grandchildren, and they’re all here in the area. They have different needs at different times, so we just take each situation as it comes and vet it. We help in different ways. Sometimes things like babysitting, sometimes financially. We do what we can. Hopefully, they don’t all have the same needs at the same time.”

— George and Donna Beaube

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