Artist prefers doing his painting outdoors

Bob Tiefenwerth drawing a fountain

Bob Tiefenwerth sketches the fountain at Baytown Town Square.

“I was an art major in college, and I’ve been painting for many years. But I recently got interested in painting outdoors and joined the Bay Area Plein Air Painters.

“Plein air is French, meaning open air. The point is to be outside and paint directly from nature. It’s what I enjoy. Doing stuff inside is fine, but outdoor painting is just more honest, I think. You’re not relying on a photograph. You’re not in the comfort of your home. You’re out in nature, and you have to get a quick impression of what you’re doing. There’s less time for trickery or thinking. It’s all done in the moment.

“I like a quick impression that’s honest. It may have rough edges and it may be imperfect, but it’s an honest way of capturing something.”

— Bob Tiefenwerth

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