Looking forward to fishing in retirement years

Leonard Simpson holding casting net

Leonard Simpson is counting down the years to retirement as an electrical estimator for the City of Houston.

“I’ve been out here about 45 minutes, practicing with this casting net so I can catch my own bait fish. There’s an art to it, I guess. I’m getting a little better, but I think I’m going to need another hour or two. Practice makes perfect.

“My dad was the fisherman of the family, so I went fishing with him mostly when I was young. Then as I got older, I began working, got married and didn’t have as much time for fishing as I used to. But year by year I’m getting closer to retirement, so I figured it’s time to get ready.

“When a good fish gets on your line, it’s the fight and trying to get him in before you lose him that I enjoy the most. Oh, I’ll clean and eat them sometimes, but I like catching more than anything. There’s nothing like it.”

— Leonard Simpson

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