Freak accident ends their long marriage

Judith Shinn at a garage sale

Judith Shinn, 76, was married for 48 years before her husband died.

“My oldest daughter lives in Michigan, and I used to meet her out in Las Vegas once a year. One time while we were out there my son called and said, ‘Well, dad had an accident.’

“He was in San Francisco driving a truck with a buddy. He was up on top getting ready to unload and he fell off the trailer. You know those yellow concrete post things? He fell on them and then onto the cement.

“So I rented a car, left Las Vegas and drove all night for 10 hours to get to San Francisco. As soon as my daughter heard that he got put on life support, she came out to be with me.

“He had broken both of his hips, cracked his ribs and punctured his lungs, and he had a fractured skull. I think that’s what killed him.

“He was unloading at a plant when he got hurt. I probably could have sued, but I didn’t. I just didn’t think it was the right thing to do. These things just happen sometimes.

“I got his Social Security and workman’s comp check, which isn’t big, either, but I’ll make it on that. Money isn’t everything.”

— Judith Shinn


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