Future social worker wants to help children

Diana Alvarado standing on Lee College campus

After trying other fields of study, Lee College student Diana Alvarado has her sights set on being a social worker.

“I’m studying social work. I kind of tried everything else, but nothing seemed to work out. I tried business. I was in cosmetology in high school and was supposed to go for my license, but I didn’t go through with it. I realized that I hated it.”

Why social work?
“It’s the primary thing that’s helping out people, and I enjoy it. Just seeing people’s smiles when you help them. My goal is to help children because I love children. I have a 2-year-old sister. So, for example, I would hate to see someone that young dealing with her parents not wanting her, you know?

“I realize that social workers don’t make that much money. But I don’t mind, as long as I end up doing something I like and I’m helping other people.”

— Diana Alvarado

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