Finding the right man can be problematic

Stacey Ceasar is ordained to preach and teach the gospel.

“Well, to be honest with you, my challenge is finding a respectful man in my life. I’m very picky. Very particular. I’m not argumentative, but I can be very stern and very hard sometimes. I don’t like being that hard, but that’s just me. So if I do find someone, I’ll try to work on that.

“I have dated, but I can’t find one to be obedient. It’s very hard for me to encounter a man that I can trust.

“I was a single mom for a long time. My children are older now. They’re happy and able to take care of themselves, so that’s a blessing.

“I’m still hopeful of finding someone. But as you get older, you become more settled in your life and you don’t necessarily want to be bothered with the how and the where, you know what I mean?”

— Stacey Ceasar

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