When it comes to marriage, ‘four times is perfect’

Janelle Grissom and Andrew Diaz in their garage

This is the fourth marriage for both Janelle Grissom and Andrew Diaz.

“She was working at Home Depot and I had seen her there before. That day I went in again to find something, but I really wanted to meet her. I asked her if she would like to have coffee sometime and she said, sure. I didn’t think she’d ever call.”

“He came up there and I thought, well, why not? And he is the most precious, wonderful person you would ever want to meet in your life. In all my years, in all my marriages, I’ve never been this happy.”

How many times have you been married?
“Three times. This is the fourth.”

“This is my fourth, too. My last wife, Joyce, we were married 30 years. She died of cancer.”

“People say three times is a charm? No, four times is perfect.”

What’s your secret?
“Don’t worry about the little things. That’s so silly. Most of the time, especially with younger people, it’s a power thing.”

“We don’t jump at things without talking it through together. Plus, we’re both caregivers. When you’re a caregiver, you will recognize another caregiver when you meet that person. You can tell they care about you and they don’t expect anything in return. That’s the way we are.”

— Janelle Grissom and Andrew Diaz

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