She’s looking for answers to life’s many questions

Masyn Terry sits at the park

Masyn Terry, who is entering her senior year in high school, plans to study environmental science in college.

“I’m reading this book called ‘The Misleading Mind.’ It talks about how our mind can deceive us, and how we can kind of conquer it and help our body. It gives you a lot of problem-solving ideas. This chapter is about embracing your problems.”

What prompted you to read this book?
“Well, I’m kind of trying to figure myself out and what I want to do with my life. And I’m interested in Buddhism and the, I guess, link between our body and mind and soul. I just always questioned everything and, obviously, I’ve started looking for answers. Also, I went on this hiking trip in Colorado where I spent two weeks backpacking in the wilderness, and I felt a connection with nature. It kind of inspired me to look more into the connection between all life on earth.”

Have you found any answers yet?
“Not yet. I’m still searching, but I think I’ll find them. It probably won’t come for a long time. But I think I’ll enjoy the path to getting there.”

— Masyn Terry

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