She’s making the most of cancer-free years

Loretta “Susie” Roy is a lifelong Baytown resident.
“Every day that I’m above ground, I thank the Lord. It could have been a lot different. I am a cancer survivor. This year makes 13 years cancer free.
“I’m very grateful to have been granted these years to be with my family. I have five children, nine grandchildren and one great-grand on the way.
“My husband and I were married for 33 years, until death parted us in 2004. We started our family very young and I made the decision to stop going to school in order to take care of my family. Once my children were grown and my husband was gone, I went back to school. This year I received a bachelor’s degree in health care administration. With God, all things are possible.”
You strike me as a very kind person.
“We are all given the choice to be a blessing or a curse. I choose to be a blessing.”
— Loretha “Susie” Roy