They’re sad to see teaching relationship ending

Sonia Ramirez sits with Kris Shelley

Sonia Ramirez and Kris Shelley were teachers together at Highlands Elementary School before Kris’ family moved.

“We became friends this past school year. We taught math and science together, and our kids are about the same age. We have so much in common.”

“We have matching personalities. Actually, not really.”

“We’re like yin and yang.”

“Yeah, she’s really outspoken and organized, and I’m non-confrontational and have no concept of time. I’m always late.”

“I’m always like, ‘Come on, let’s go.’ We work pretty well together.”

Unfortunately, their friendship dynamics are about to change.

“We’re moving to Shanghai, China, for my husband’s job. We kind of thought we were going to put down roots here because we’ve moved around so much. My in-laws even bought a house here. But you have to do what you have to do. I figure there’s a plan. We just have to trust in it.”

“And I’m very sad. I finally find a friend who I can tell secrets to and know that she’s not going to say anything. And the kids have a lot of the same interests. We’re really going to miss them.”

— Sonia Ramirez and Kris Shelley

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