Learning to walk again after losing both legs

Philip Kysar sits in front of his house

Amputation took both of Philip Kysar’s legs following a motorcycle accident in 2012.

“After losing both legs, my biggest challenge was learning how to walk again with the artificial ones. You don’t realize what all it takes for the human body just to get out there and walk down that street. You really have to concentrate to do something you never had to think about before. You grew up with your legs. You started walking with your legs. You had your legs for more than 50 years and then, all of a sudden, they’re gone.”

What motivates you?
“My wife. She stays on me pretty heavy. We got married about a year and a half before the accident. She’s watched me enough and been around me enough to know when I’m fixin’ to go into one of my down modes where I get depressed about everything that happened and start thinking, ‘Why did it happen to me? What did I do wrong?’ Knowing she’s always there to support me and motivate me makes all the difference in the world.”

— Philip Kysar


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