He’s on a mission to join his disabled girlfriend

Donnie Huff in his front yard

Donnie Huff met his girlfriend on a dating site for people with disabilities.

“I have a girlfriend who lives in Indiana. I’m on Skype with her every night and I send her messages on Facebook all the time.

“We met on a dating site for girls or guys who have disabilities. She’s in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. She can move her arms and legs, but there’s a lot of stuff she can’t do for herself. She’s a bright person. She graduated from high school. But she has some problems with her speech.

“I’ve gone up there to see her twice. I like being able to help her, and we had so much fun together. I’m planning to go see her again this year on her birthday and for Thanksgiving. I’m trying to find a job right now so I can save money to help me get there. That’s my goal.

“Our relationship is a little unusual, I guess, but I’m proud of it. I want to be there for her. She’s the love of my life.”

— Donnie Huff, 35

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