From high school to college, his confidence grows

Adam Naiser stands on Lee College campus

Adam Naiser is an honors student at Lee College.

“I was a pretty shy kid in high school. I didn’t say much because I was afraid if I did, I would be made fun of or ridiculed. So I pretty much kept my thoughts and everything to myself. Making friends was challenging. I had a few, but not that many. I figured that college would be the place to help me grow into someone who people take notice of and respect.

“My goal is to become an attorney, so I started doing debate to work on speaking confidently in front of people. It’s been sort of a struggle. I get a little nervous and I’ve stuttered a little bit in the debate rounds, but I’m learning more about how to boost my confidence and how to speak properly.

“I feel like my social skills have come a long way; way above where I expected them to be. I’m accomplishing so much.”

— Adam Naiser, 19

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