Missionary work eye-opening for children

Valerie Pedroza and her son, Mateo, are raising money for more missionary work in Brazil.
“Our church does missionary work in Brazil. My first trip was in 2006. This will be the fifth time I’ve gone.
“The communities we help live in grass huts along a river. They have no electricity. Most of the children run around in underwear or cloth diapers. They have very basic needs, like food and clothing, so they are really grateful for even the smallest things we bring.
“My husband and I took our children along in 2013. They were 4 and 9 at the time. It was such an eye-opening experience. They’re used to having their video games, their TV, their cell phones. But down there, they realized just how fortunate they are because those kids don’t have anything. I mean, their idea of fun is pulling aardvarks out of the trees and playing with them. For our kids to be able to experience that, it was awesome.”
— Valerie Pedroza