If you want to write well, you should read more

David Hainline sits on a bench

David Hainline teaches freshman composition at Lee College.

“The best writers that I’ve had in my classes are those who read a lot. Voraciously. I can always tell somebody who does not pick up a book and probably hasn’t in years. They are the weakest writers. They have trouble constructing sentences.

“Just the other day I encouraged one class of students to ask their parents for a subscription to a magazine because they don’t do enough reading. The reading they do is usually very focused on some specific interest, as opposed to reading a variety of things to get a broader perspective. That’s what I think is missing today.

“I agree with what someone said: ‘People today know a great deal about a very small number of things as opposed to when we grew up. It seemed like we knew a little bit about everything.”

— David Hainline


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