Blessing bags her way of helping those in need

“I have what I call blessing bags that we carry in our car. I pass them out to people on the street. I’ve probably handed out a few hundred. Sometimes I give McDonald’s cards or a little money.

Kaye Forrester Sneed stands at counter

Kaye Forrester Sneed has a heart for missions that help others.

“There are so many people out there who are hungry. Even though some of them are on drugs, they still need to eat. I hear people say, ‘Why do you give them money?’ Well, God tells us to feed the hungry. He doesn’t say to do it only if they’re off drugs or only if this or only if that. He doesn’t put restrictions on us. He doesn’t say to just go buy this person a meal and give it to him. If he tells me to give that man $5, whatever that man does with it, that’s between him and God.

“I think I’ve always had a heart for missions. When my grandkids grow up they may not remember if my house was clean, if my hair was always fixed, or if I had this or I gave them that. But what they will remember is that when we got in the car and there was somebody on the street who needed help, we stopped and helped that person. We turned around in the road and we helped them.”

— Kaye Forrester Sneed


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