Foster care kids have advocate in their corner

Kaye Forrester Sneed sits at table

After working at Lee College for 29 years, Kaye Forrester Sneed now helps kids in foster care.

“I thought I would retire and get a part-time job to earn some extra money. Instead, I volunteer with CASA. I’m a court-appointed special advocate for kids who are in foster care.

“I work with one family that has four kids and another family with a 2-year-old. Of course, Child Protective Services is involved, but I’m an unpaid advocate for these kids. I establish a relationship with them and help make sure they’re being taken care of properly. If there’s something going on in the home and they don’t feel comfortable talking to anyone else about it, they can trust me enough to tell me.

“I usually visit them twice a month. I also meet with school counselors and others who are connected with these kids, and I go to court when they go to court.

“The judge puts a lot of stock in what I have to say about their welfare because he knows I’m there for their benefit. It’s a very rewarding experience.”

— Kaye Forrester Sneed


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