Drugs, physical abuse ruin her marriage

Alberta smiling on a park bench

Following her stay at a women’s shelter, Alberta is living out of her car.

“At first, our marriage was beautiful. It was blossoming. What I didn’t know was that he was a functioning addict.

“He had a job. He paid the bills. He bought the groceries. But at the end of the night, when I would wake up in bed, he wasn’t there. I came to find out that he was at the crack house, and I did not know. I was blindsided.

“When I started questioning it, that’s when the whooping started. It got so bad that I finally had to get away. I checked in to the shelter here, and they took care of me for about two years.

“That was the best blessing. They provided me with food, shelter, dignity, integrity and responsibility. After you complete the program, they provide you with your own apartment. So they did their part. Then it’s your time to step up, take over the bills and move forward.

“Unfortunately, right now, I find myself living in my Jeep. It’s all right to go from point A to point B, but it’s no way to live. I’d rather have my own place with a bed and a shower.

“My goal is to get a full-time job. All this part-time and contractor stuff isn’t working. I’m still looking. People keep saying, ‘After the election. After the election.’ Supposedly, that’s when companies are going to start releasing their money. I’m just not sure how I’m going to make it until then.”

— Alberta, 58


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