Sign language helps her connect with others

Chloe Anderson sitting on Lee College campus

Chloe Anderson is studying to become an English teacher.

“I learned American Sign Language in high school and was part of the Singing Hands group, where we performed songs in sign language. I loved the upbeat energy and the positivity of it. Being able to reach out to people who aren’t able to communicate like you and me is pretty cool.

“A few years ago when I was in a Kroger’s parking lot with my dad, a deaf man was selling pencils to help raise money for his family. A lot of people were ignoring him because they couldn’t understand him. When he approached us, I started signing to him. We ended up buying two or three pencils.

“When I work at jobs and a deaf person comes in, one of my favorite things is to sign with them and get to know them so that I can help them better. I’m pretty fluent, but not perfect. So if I start finger spelling something and mess up, they will show me the correct signs.

“I think it would be great if everyone took the time to learn the basics of sign language, along with the basics of other languages, too. So many people just know one way to communicate. It would be great if we all were able to communicate better with each other. I think it would help reduce some of the struggles people face. It would help us all understand each other a little bit better.”

— Chloe Anderson


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