‘Painful’ to watch as 5-year-old son nearly drowned

Teresa Rising sits outside

Teresa Rising’s son, Nolan, almost drowned when he was 5 years old. He is now an 18-year-old homeschool senior.

“Our son almost drowned when he was 5. We were kneeboarding in the Colorado River, and he fell into the water. That sort of thing happens a lot. But this time, the board slipped onto his back and just kept pushing his head under. Then it looked like he was just kind of floating.

“I had helped him get started, so I was on the shore watching as it all happened. I remember screaming for him to keep his head up. I was crying out to God. It was so painful for me to watch. My husband was in the boat with our daughter, who was 11 at the time, and a friend.

“We always had safety in place. We always showed everybody how to use the boat in case of an emergency, so that was covered. My husband had to swim upstream to reach our son. I thought he was already dead. So when my husband got there and yelled out that he was OK, it was an unreal feeling. I really do believe it was a miracle.”

— Teresa Rising


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