She gets a ‘wonderful peace’ from volunteering

Claudette Barnett is the volunteer steering committee chair at Houston Methodist San Jacinto Hospital.
“I’ve been a people person all of my life. I attribute that to the love God has placed in my heart.
“I use my gifts to volunteer at the hospital. After my shift at the front desk, I walk around with one of the chaplains to do a singing ministry for some of the patients.
“Many times people come here very distraught. They’re in need. They don’t have anybody else, any family members. So we go out of our way to help them.
“When I was younger, I always said that I didn’t want to be around sick people or to have to see people suffering. But God has strengthened me and others so that we now are able to look at it and help out. We can’t physically take care of their medical needs, but we can bring them somewhere they can get their needs met. Overall, I just get this wonderful peace from volunteering.”
— Claudette Barnett